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Staff and Vacancies

 Employees of CJSC Stroytechnology are the basis of its growth and development. In our colleagues, we value professionalism, initiative and responsible attitude to the case and make high demands on knowledge, the level of professional training. The tradition of mentoring, transferring knowledge to young colleagues is actively supported in the ranks of our experienced employees. In the construction company AO Stroitehnologiya - talented people who are striving for professional growth, ready to share and comply with the rules of work in a steadily developing organization.

Development of personal opportunities:
Attracting to work in unique projects and facilitating their implementation, the heads of all the subdivisions of the company give the opportunity to develop the professional skills of each of its employees.
Working conditions:

  • registration in accordance with the LC RF
  • Payment for holidays, sick leave;
  • timely payment of wages (2 times a month);
  • compliance with labor protection requirements;

The tradition of mentoring:
Engineering staff of CJSC Stroytechnology have a higher education in building specialties and most of them work in the construction industry for more than 5 years, they regularly attend refresher courses and are ready to share their experience with new employees.
Competitive salary:
Personnel policy of CJSC Stroytechnology is focused on an individual approach to the motivation of each employee, thanks to which a consistently high level of wages is achieved.
Care of employees:

  • payment of compensation for the use of auto / delivery to the facility;
  • Payment for mobile communication;
  • provision of PPE in accordance with international standards;
  • modernly equipped workplace;

Dear applicants, specialists of the personnel department will be happy to answer all questions concerning employment and open vacancies by phone +7 (351) 218-19-94

We are always glad to graduates of the Ural State University. We thank the teaching staff for qualified graduates at https://www.susu.ru/