
Roofing is one of the most important parts of every construction. Working life and safety of the hole construction depends on roofing reliability and beside that good roofing works directly depends on thatch quality.
Our company “Stroytechnologiya” ZAO is authorized distributor and contractor of the roofing PVCmembranes of the largest in Northern Europe Norwegian brand Protan.
PVCmembrane is perfect weatherprotective material and it's also easy in laying.
To waterproof roofs, we resort to the latest world technologies in this sphere. We use PVC membranes materials and automatic welding equipment from the Swiss company Leister. This lets us guarantee maintenance-free exploitation of your roof within 15 years. Stroytekhnologiya is an official dealer of the world leader in roof production – the company Protan.
PVCmembrane's advantages:
- high vapor transmission, flexibility and resistibility;
- high assembly rate (about 1000 m2 per shift);
- absolutely waterproofing hermiticity.
Its unique properties:
- Fireresistance. Roof coating's selfdamping in the base of fire decommissioning.
- Resistance to frost. Membrane is able to save its flexibility even by the negative temperature what gives an opportunity to work in winter by 30 degrees centigrade.
- Resistibility. Breaking load is 1050N in 50mm line by 15 percent elongation.
- Membrane roofing is resistant to any types of radiation, heat aging, windload and oxidation. It also can stretch in 3 times.
PVCmembrane is capable to perform different kinds of roofing:
- mechanically fixed up roof;
- ballasted roof;
- pitched roof;
- vacuum roof;
- ”green” roof.
Our specialists regularly study and have “Protan” company Certificates. They can not only fix membrane but also undertake an analysis or design document modernization.
Our coworking with Protan Group gives us working and materials guarantee.
2014 “Stroytechnologiya” CJSC entered into “National Roofing Alliance”, what certainly upgrade our roofing service.

Successfully implemented project work
All the necessary info you can get on:
- Tel.fax (351) 218-1995;
- or +7-912-310-52-95 Lobanov Alexander
- or +7-912-310-52-96 Alex Evlashev
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